Seven easy yet efficient ways to defeat sleepiness while driving

Seven easy yet efficient ways to defeat sleepiness while driving

Driving in your favourite car and enjoying the long road trips are done by many for recreational purpose. Some also travel distances to reach the desired destination for a professional/personal reason. Regardless of the reason, it is extremely important for the driver to stay alert and awake while driving for ensuring the safety of the occupants. Feeling sleepy or drowsy is one of the challenges that drivers on long routes face commonly. 

Here are some effective ways, following which you can drive safely and combat sleepiness efficiently.

Indulging in a pre-drive nap

Nap time

When you know a long journey is scheduled, go for a planned nap for a considerable time. If you feel sleepy while driving, it is better to park the car at a safe location and enjoy 20-30 minute nap at a quiet spot. This will offer you short-term alertness, higher concentration and you can keep driving without feeling sleepy anytime soon.

Feeding on something healthy before driving

You can feel drowsy due to lack of energy, which in turn happens due to insufficient food intake. To ensure sufficiency, however, do not bite junk food or have a large meal. Enjoying a healthy meal in an appropriate quantity can help drivers feel charged up both physically and mentally. Complex carbohydrates (whole grain bread; nuts; fruits, vegetables; skim milk) and lean protein (fish, chicken; eggs, beans, lentils, low-fat yoghurt) will help you give your peak performance behind the wheels for a longer time frame. Just remember one thing, do not overfill your tummy.

Do not neglect the vitamins on a road trip

Vitamin Dite

You might not require fulfilling your daily nutrient requirement quota by swallowing vitamin pills in general, but consider it while undertaking long road trips as the driver. Vitamin B and C might help to keep drivers alert for a long time but do it after consulting a doctor for an assured result.

Never allow a drunk or a sleepy person to be your companion

As per a Ford study in 2017, driving with a hangover can be as deadly as driving drunk. The driver gets infected with their drowsiness and dizziness. With a co-passenger enjoying a nap by the driver’s side can also make the driver feel sleepy. A talkative person sitting beside the driver can really help the person stay awake. It is advised to seek company of someone who loves to talk and keep you entertained but surely not distracted.

Good music can keep drowsiness at bay

drive with friends

When no one is there to offer you the desired company, quality music can keep you covering miles without feeling sleepy. Make sure that you play upbeat tracks and pop music. Avoid soft romantic tunes as they'll make you feel even more fatigued and lost in thoughts. Making playlists featuring the top billboard hits and also tuning in to your favourite radio station can help combating drowsiness.

A cup of coffee with extra shots for the required kick

coffee on the go

Before driving or during mid-drive, whenever you spot a good coffee shop, do stop and enjoy the caffeine. Munch on light snacks, stretch your limbs and sip the hot brew to unwind your tired body and mind. Remember, taking too much coffee now and then is not good. Relying on caffeine too much will make one pee more than the water intake and increase dehydration. Coffee is diuretic.

Remember keeping the AC on the right level

car A/C image
People start experiencing mild hypothermia, which results in feeling very sleepy, and lose sense mildly if the surrounding gets too cold and the body temperature starts dropping below 35 degrees Celsius. It is thus, being advised not to lower the temperature too much.

Above-mentioned are some easy to follow ways that can efficiently facilitate staying awake while hitting the road. Life is the most beautiful gift we have, and several lives on the road are claimed due to drowsy driving.

Purva Jain

Purva Jain

Purva is a crazy admirer of cars and she has got a lot of expertise in their detailing. Though, she has mastered in Economics but cars have always been her field of interest. She is an introvert in talking but when it comes to cars and the latest news regarding them she talks like hell. Exploring new cars as well as the vintage machines is listed in her hobbies while getting to know about the history behind the same are the things which she enjoys the most. She may seem silent from the outside but inside her is a volcano erupting to engulf the mean machines.

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