Brakes or no brakes- The most common cause of accidents

‘What happened? How did you end up hitting the trash can?’ The most common answer to the most common question is usually- ‘well, my brakes failed and the car went out of control. Newspapers have always been covered with stories of accidents between buses and trucks or between cars and that too with a lot of morality.
Whenever anything happens like when a driver sideswipes a pedestrian or T-bones a tricycle, the one and only reason given for all this is- “loss of brakes”. This “loss of brakes” is a widely used excuse and has not even worn out yet. The phenomena for this is- SUBL or Sudden Unintended Brake Loss which is older than SUA - Sudden Unintended Acceleration. But putting these phenomena aside, the question still remains- how does “loss of brakes” happen?
Brake failure
Leaking of the hydraulic system is the one and only cause for brake failure and this cause can be easily detected in modern cars (cars manufactured after 1930 are referred to as modern cars). This means that any person driving a modern car will never face “brake failure” or at least it will not go unnoticed. This is because if the car does have a leak in the brake system, then the brakes would feel a bit spongy as soon as you hit them the first time. Also, all the cars manufactured after 1960 come equipped with the fail safe brake warning light on the instrument cluster. Not just cars, even trucks and buses give the same spongy feel on the pedals if there is a leak. Trucks and buses with air brakes have the air brake button on the floor, which when used can slow a laden 22. Whenever an engine fails to generate the needed pressure for the air brakes, the engine cannot make any movement in trucks even.
Still the most common excuse!
“Loss of brakes”- is still the most commonly used excuse given for any fatality or accident on the road. It hasn’t changed from generations. But blaming the brakes for any accident is quite absurd for brakes do not and cannot control themselves. It the driver’s job not the machine’s.
Failure of brakes or failure in using the brakes?
Instances from accidents have shown that whenever the excuse- “loss of brakes” is given, there are hardly any skid marks on the road, which means no failure of brakes. Instead it shows failure in applying the brakes. During rush hours on expressways across the world, the use of brakes becomes magnified. Because when there is rush, the expressways get blocked by a large volume of traffic and hence it becomes an accident prone site due to the ones that fail to apply brakes.
Rear enders-cause
Investigators have found out as to why mostly new cars and holiday goers are the cause of accidents. It is because regular drivers are acquainted with the way traffic works on expressways but the city residents do not know much about it, the continuous change in speed is not handled by them well. This hence causes accidents.
The urban people are not used to the fast speed as well as immediate braking responses at times. And if one driver has applied brakes to save his bumper there is no surety if the person behind would use his brakes too.
Real method of braking
The real method of braking is just applying full force on the brakes. Making the drivers use the power of their right foot. Everyone has this much power.
Other passengers
Another reason for no or improper use of brakes is that the driver thinks of saving the unbuckled and dozing passengers in the car while using the brakes. But this doesn’t always go as planned. Seat belts should be a must.
Maintaining a safe distance
Most of the people on the expressways do not maintain a proper distance and the urban people are habitual of slow speed and closer gaps. And many drivers are used to cutting in and filling the gap which leads to accidents.
Distance estimator
Expressways should have distance estimator marks on the road. This will let the driver analyze the distance and speed. Car-to-car distance marks also help in reducing accidents. As proper distance, speed and car-to-car distance makes the rush bearing and understanding.
The use of maps
People hardly use maps to locate their destinations; instead they memorize the landmarks which can keep on changing over the years. So, it is always advised to use maps for efficient travelling.
Staying away from convoys
Many instances have shown that the use of convoy is blamed for overtaking. They also misguide others. This creates chances of accidents.
Proper guidance
Many drivers look at the rear bumper and feel safer to look far beyond. But it is not the case. As this act invites heavy duties and penalties. So, the drivers should be guided properly in this regard.
It had to be established that loss of brakes is rarely the case. Drivers have to take responsibility and up their driving game. Be patient and enjoy your ride carefully. Accidents can be avoided.
Will you be more careful during the rush hours now? Don’t want to blame the brakes do you now?
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