5 Seater Sedan Cars in UAE
Find the price list of 5 Seater Sedan Cars in the UAE. There are a total of 87 5 Seater Sedan car models available for sale. Nissan Sunny, MG 5, Toyota Corolla, MG GT and Toyota Crown Hybrid are the most popular 5 Seater Sedan car models among UAE car buyers. The lowest-priced model is Changan Alsvin 2025 priced at AED 43,900 and the most expensive one is Rolls Royce Ghost 2025, which retails at AED 1.5 Million. Please select your desired 5 Seater Sedan car models from the list below to know the complete price list in your city, promos, variants, specs, photos, fuel consumption, and review.
5 Seater Sedan Cars Price in UAE
Model | Price List |
Nissan Sunny | AED 61,500 - 81,500 |
MG 5 | AED 49,000 - 54,000 |
Toyota Corolla | AED 76,900 - 83,900 |
MG GT | AED 62,519 - 77,922 |
Toyota Crown Hybrid | AED 199,900 - 229,900 |
Suzuki Ciaz | AED 52,000 - 60,900 |
Lexus IS | AED 185,000 - 255,000 |
KIA Pegas | AED 50,000 - 55,000 |
Hyundai Accent | AED 74,999 - 83,000 |
Ford Taurus | AED 145,845 - 166,845 |
Nissan Altima | AED 113,500 - 148,000 |
Toyota Camry | AED 109,900 - 136,900 |
87 5 Seater Sedan Cars in UAE
Key Highlights of 5 Seater Sedan Cars
Popular Models Nissan Sunny, MG 5, Toyota Corolla, MG GT, Toyota Crown Hybrid Affordable Model Changan Alsvin Expensive Model Rolls Royce Ghost Upcoming Models Lucid Gravity, KIA K8 2025, Volvo ES90, Lexus ES 2026, KIA K4