5 Seater Hatchback Cars in UAE
Find the price list of 5 Seater Hatchback Cars in the UAE. There are a total of 17 5 Seater Hatchback car models available for sale. Suzuki Baleno, Suzuki Swift, Renault Megane, Mitsubishi Mirage and Peugeot 2008 are the most popular 5 Seater Hatchback car models among UAE car buyers. The lowest-priced model is Suzuki Baleno 2025 priced at AED 51,900 and the most expensive one is Mercedes-Benz A-Class 2025, which retails at AED 286,900. Please select your desired 5 Seater Hatchback car models from the list below to know the complete price list in your city, promos, variants, specs, photos, fuel consumption, and review.
5 Seater Hatchback Cars Price in UAE
Model | Price List |
Suzuki Baleno | AED 51,900 - 60,000 |
Suzuki Swift | AED 51,900 - 62,865 |
Peugeot 208 | AED 77,900 - 129,900 |
Mercedes-Benz A-Class | AED 214,450 - 286,900 |
Mini 5 Door | AED 139,000 - 169,600 |
Volkswagen Golf R | AED 209,000 |
BMW X2 | AED 133,700 |
17 5 Seater Hatchback Cars in UAE
Key Highlights of 5 Seater Hatchback Cars
Popular Models Suzuki Baleno, Suzuki Swift, Renault Megane, Mitsubishi Mirage, Peugeot 2008 Affordable Model Suzuki Baleno Expensive Model Mercedes-Benz A-Class Upcoming Models AVATR 12, Nissan Leaf